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New Year's Eve Makeup for an Unforgettable Look

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New Year's Eve Makeup for an Unforgettable Look

New Year's Eve is the night to say goodbye to the old and usher in the new. It's also a night to try fun and flirty looks. If you have a party lined up and don't know what to do about your makeup, try these ideas.

  • If you want to attract that cute guy that you've had your eye on (or just attract your longtime significant other), go with a bold lip. Think ruby red lips that catch the eye and attract plenty of attention. Be sure to exfoliate lips before applying so that your pucker is smooth and soft.

  • For your eyes, you can't go wrong with a shimmery metallic eye shadow palette. Try shades like silver, gold, copper or any hue infused with some sheen. You also can rely on the tried and true smoky eye.

  • With so much going on with your eyes and lips, the rest of your face should stay neutral. You can add some color to the apples of your cheeks if you want, but don't go overboard on the foundation. Choose a color that matches your skin and apply sparingly so that the rest of your makeup stands out even more.

Pair this makeup look with a shiny little dress, great heels, and fun hair and you will undoubtedly be the center of any New Year's Eve attraction.



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