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How to do 70's Makeup Like a Disco Queen

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How to do 70's Makeup Like a Disco Queen

The 1970's was an exciting decade for women's fashion. Makeup appeared natural, but glossy lips and shimmery eyes popped. Learn to do your foundation, cheeks, eyes, and lips, so you will be ready for a disco dance.

Natural Foundation

Choose a natural foundation that blends with your natural skin color. The goal of 1970's foundation was to make your skin look natural. You should just apply enough foundation to reduce blemishes and even out your natural skin tone. If you want to achieve that 70's tanned look, you can also use a good bronzer.

Glossy Lips

The wet look was in back then. Try glossy lipstick. Shades of pink were popular, so you could opt for pink or even nude lip gloss.

Shimmery Eyes

Select earth tones with glitter. Fair skinned women might consider frosty tan, light blue, or even white shades. Darker skinned ladies might opt for glittery greens and browns. A darker color goes right over the eyes, and it gets blended in with a lighter color up to the eyebrows. Use subtle mascara and a light eyebrow pencil to make eyes look big and glittery.

Sculpt Your Cheekbones

A light brush of blusher right below the top of your cheekbones can make them look larger. Blend in the blush, so it does not look painted on.


Try comparing 1970's photos of such icons as Farah Fawcett and Liza Minelli for inspiration!



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