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How to do 60s Makeup

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How to do 60s Makeup

The modern woman of the 60's saw herself as empowered and coming into her own. She emphasized her boldness with her eyes, which were accentuated heavily, while paling the rest of the face. She stood liberated and free, yet maintained femininity and grace in her persona.

Eyes First

Gather dark liner, white liner, eyeshadow in pearly white or neutral and dark brown, false eyelashes or mascara.

  • Step 1. Using a base layer of light eye shadow, lightly blend to cover the entire lid.

  • Step 2. Using an angled shadow brush, apply brown eye shadow along the natural crease of the lid, starting on the inside, blending along to the outer end, adding depth to the eyes.

  • Step 3. Draw a line along the inner rim of lower lid with the white liner to make the eyes look large and luminous.

  • Step 4. Apply cream or liquid eyeliner along the upper lash line, tapering and extending it a bit beyond the outer end of the eye. Next, line the lower lid or draw little dots just under the lashes.

  • Step 5. Brush on several layers of mascara, or use false eyelashes to make those peepers totally dramatic.

Face: Subtle and Subdued

You will need:

  • A light layer of foundation and a good dusting of powder to give a smooth finish to the skin.

  • A neutral shade of blush.

  • Pale shades of lipstick.

Voila! You are ready to swing in your 60's charm!



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