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Harken Back to Platforms and Plaid with 90s-Inspired Makeup

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Harken Back to Platforms and Plaid with 90s-Inspired Makeup

The 90s. It was a time marked by platforms, flannel, and ripped jeans. With the 90s fashion revival in full swing, now is the time to dust off your Nirvana t-shirt and copy the biggest makeup trends of the decade.

  • The 1990s were all about disaffected, petulant youth. To capture that moodiness, go for a bold and dark-colored lip. Shades like brick or wine will suit some skin tones, while others should go for plum or purple hues.

  • While looking done up, you don't want to look too caked in makeup. A lot of 90s looks had a natural quality to them. Therefore, skip the concealer if your skin is healthy enough to do so. If not, blend in the formula to match your skin tone.

  • Eye shadow colors, unlike many 90s trends, remained quite understated. Think along the lines of light colors like taupe and beige. This color should enhance your eyes no matter your skin tone.

To finish your look, you can dress in a baby doll dress, a beanie, and some combat boots to look utterly 90s.



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