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Prom Makeup

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How can I get my makeup done for Prom?

Prom Makeup

Prom is a momentous event to some teenagers. It's their night to glam it up and be their most beautiful. Getting ready can sometimes be an ugly process though… they agonize over the dress, accessories, how to wear their hair, and who is going to do their makeup.

Let a professional take care of them. If you go to a salon, there will probably be a fee to have her makeup done. Some salons might offer a bundled package complete with hair and nails. Choosing an artist at the makeup counter of a department store is a good idea, but only if you make an appointment. There are going to be many girls that day who have appointments set up and most counters can only do a certain number of girls. And remember, it's good form to purchase something from the makeup counter you choose to visit for makeup application. Some counters have a three product purchase minimum, but they should let you know that upfront when you make the appointment.



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